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What Makes My Home Condemned?


Updated: Jul 2, 2021

Relocation Support Services
Home Condemned

Before any relocation case project starts, there is the possibility, and most likely the reason your home or unit is getting remodeled, is because that building has become condemned. A tenant relocation may be needed.

Don’t think your building should be categorized as condemned?

Well it unfortunately is not up to the residents of the house or apartment building. A government official has the power to claim the status of the building after a repetitive event of unsafe housing code violations has been made apparent. This may also be from an inspector looking over the building to see if it’s up to code and one too many safety hazards have come to light and the government needs something done about this building in order to keep those living inside safe.

So what makes a building condemned?

Not all safety hazards may be visual. While the building may look intact on the surface, there might be something hidden going terribly wrong, and if not handled, the building may become even worse.

For the obvious condemned buildings, there will be apparent structural damages done to the building. This may be due to extreme weather such as hurricanes or tornadoes, even snow storms, or the building has been present for so long and the materials that were used to construct the building are no longer resourceful for the building’s needs. In such a state, buildings are usually boarded up and vacant automatically defaulting the building to condemned.

There’s also the possibility of having a homeowner rehabilitation and when they have an inspector come over to take a look at the building, they might find some other issues that would label the building as condemned. If your building is older, there’s a possibility that the building was built with materials that are now banned. Such as Lead, Mercury, organic compounds that may be volatile stated on the Red List created by the International Living Future Institute. The inspector may also discover that utilities being used are discontinued, another default to becoming condemned and that permits are missing and renovations will not be allowed. The need of resident relocation arises.

On the inside of that building, hygiene becomes a major problem, and it is why you should be consistently cleaning your home or cleaning and sanitation services may be needed. Lack of cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, rooms in general will be the cause of bacteria and mold build up. Even hoarding will exhilarate hygiene problems. If you don’t throw away items that you’ve just ignored, there’s a high chance that an infestation has occurred and you don’t know.

Even buildings that are perfectly fine can be marked condemned based on its location. If a road needs to be widened, or a public park is going to be built, the government will have the ability to seize private land in order to carry out their project that will serve the public.

Can my building come back from the condemned status?

Yes it can! An inspector will come back out to look over all the citations they previously found. This way they can ensure all citations have in fact been fixed. After confirmation from the inspector residents can return home! Depending on the circumstances, consider looking into relocation support services. Said services can be of great help in obtaining a satisfactory relocation.

What if I don’t want to fix my home?

Even if your home isn’t in the best condition, and is in fat ‘condemned’, you can always sell it. The only hiccup is that because the house is condemned, you can’t sell it as a structure, but as land. This will cause the value of your home to decrease drastically and you will more than likely not get the amount you may be hoping for. This option is a quick fix if you have no plans to return to the home or wish to be rid of the building. A relocation plan is a good idea to have.

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